Friday, June 29, 2012

Five Secrets To Winning The Lottery: How To Pick Megamillions Numbers

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

When it comes to picking Megamillions numbers, you need some lottery tips. Here are four secrets to winning the lottery that you can apply to choosing the numbers that will get you your win.

Lottery numbers are obviously drawn randomly. But even random drawings can product patterns that can be tracked and used to your advantage. Here are some ways to do that.

1. In Megamillions, players choose five numbers from array of 1 to 56 and one number, the Gold Mega Ball, from an array of 1 to 46. The next five secrets will apply to the first set of five numbers. Choosing the Gold Ball requires a different strategy. If you use a balanced wheel to pick the Gold Ball, be sure you use one for pick-5 games. The other wheels won't work.

2. When you select your Mega Millions Lotto numbers, choose a relatively even mix of odd and even numbers. All odd numbers or all even numbers are rarely drawn. It happens less than 3 percent of the time. The best mix is three odd to two even or two odd to three even. One of these two patterns will occur in 68 percent of the drawings.

3. Winning numbers are usually spread across the entire number field. If we take the 56-number array in Megamillions and cut it in half, you have the numbers from 1 to 28 and the ones from 29 to 56. All high numbers or all low numbers are rarely drawn. So the best mix is the same 3/2 or 2/3 ratio that you use for odd to even numbers. Have three high numbers and two low, or two high and three low.

4. If you look at a list of past Mega Millions winning combinations, you'll notice that more often than not, one or more of the sets of tens is not represented. For example, in the combination 4-24-33-47-52, there are no 10's. Tracking and studying the sets of tens can help you decide which set of ten to omit when you play and which to play more often.

5. After you choose the five numbers you want to play, add them together and make sure that the sum of these five numbers adds up to between 106 and 179. Sums that fall in that range account for over 70 percent of all lottery jackpots won.

Obviously, these strategies still require some finesse to use, and they are just a few of the lottery winning formulas available. The best thing to do if you want to consistently pick winning Megamillions numbers is to purchase a lottery book that will teach you proven secrets to winning the lottery. You can find out more about one of these books at the link below.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

How To Power Your Solar Chart For Health, Wealth, Love

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

Several wonderful things are happening to man on the planet Earth. We have entered the Age of Aquarius which is the Age of Astrology, the Age of Energy and the Age of do it yourself.

We no longer have to depend on others to tell us what to do, what to think and how to live our lives.

The Laws of Quantum Physics, which is the paradigm for this new Age has blown the lid off the box that has kept us in the dark for the past 2000 + years.

We are in an Energy Age. We are Energy and we live, move and have our being within an infinite ocean of Thinking, Intelligent, Energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Within this infinite ocean there are an infinite number of energy matrix's, energy patterns or like I prefer to call them, "Divine Blueprints."

We are evolving Souls who have 'Blinked Out' (incarnated) out of this Quantum Ocean, Mind of God into this particular time frame.

We have chosen a particular Astrological Energy Matrix to clothe our physical body in and use to experience physical, emotional and mental life.

There are twelve of these Divine Blueprints in the Mind of God, Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc.

The exact energy configuration of these twelve Astrological signs is given to us very clearly in the Solar Chart.

A Solar Chart is divided into twelve 30 degree arcs. Each of these arcs represent a House where we experience certain functions of life.

The First House represents our personality; Second money; Third communication; Fourth home; Fifth creativity; Sixth Health; Seventh relationships including marriage; Eighth other people's money wills, lottery etc., Ninth higher wisdom; Tenth Career; Eleventh Friends; Twelfth mysticism.

The wonderful thing about this Age is now we can improve on the original Solar Chart we were born with. We can increase the energies in any of the Houses within the Solar Chart.

The three most important houses, for the average man and woman are the Second house of earning money; the Sixth house of Health; and the Seventh house of relationships, ie marriage.

The Laws of Quantum Physics have told us that now we are co-creators of our own lives. Since ALL is Energy, we can use energy to improve our lives.

Each of the planets in our Solar System is also an energy. We can pick and choose any one of the planetary energies, use it's symbolic representation, overlaying it in one of the houses of our Solar Chart and increase the energy or power in that House.

Just as our Solar Chart represents us, a symbol of a planet represents it. Jupiter is the planetary energy of increase.

To increase your money making abilities place a Jupiter symbol in your second house. To increase your health energy place the Jupiter symbol in your sixth house. To increase your chances for a happy, loving marriage (either the existing one or a new one) place the Jupiter symbol in your Seventh house.

The Jupiter symbol will attract the Jupiter energies of increase out the Quantum Ocean and power the House where you place it.

Since the Houses of your Solar chart represent the areas your experience in your life, Jupiter in the second House will increase your money making experiences. Jupiter in the sixth House ill increase your health experiences. Jupiter in your Seventh House will experience your loving relationship experience.

Thanks to another wonderful gift of the Age of Aquarius, the Internet, you can simply go to Google images and choose the Astrological Jupiter symbol you like.

Print it out and place it in the House of your choice. Be still and be patient and allow the Jupiter energies of increase to work their way into your Solar chart and into your Aura.

More Health, Wealth and Love can be yours. It is a gift from the Age of Aquarius which is a gift from the Mind of God.

Oh! And another thing. Make sure that you write your name on your Solar chart. You want Jupiter Energy to come to you and not just any one who has the same Astrological Solar chart Matrix.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lotto Game Plays

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

There are many ways to play Lotto, but which game plays will make you a winner. Below is only a few Lotto game play strategies you could use to find that elusive winning sequence. In this article we will be looking at a 6/49 Lotto game, but it could be used in other types of Lotteries as well. A 6/49 Lotto game basically means you choose 6 numbers between 1 - 49.

Even / Odd

The best Even/Odd ratio is 3/3 followed by 2/4 or 4/2. If you could play all possible combinations of 3/3 (not saying you should) then no matter what winning Lotto numbers are drawn, then you can be sure that there will be winning sequences in your hand starting with 3 Numbers and going up.

Previous Occurrences

First you could play random Lotto numbers/sequences that have already come up. If you are lucky you could win something in the Lotto. But this will not give the winning combination for the next draw as the highest occurrence will probably stop at 4 Numbers, 4 + Bonus if you are lucky. So onto the next step.

What if you could use your own database to see how it can be minimized to hold a possible winning combination for a future draw using this previous occurrence game play. Using you own selected Lotto numbers try and eliminate sequences with a winning type above 4 Numbers or even above 3 + Bonus, depending on your preferences. Doing this will hopefully increase you chances of having that winning Lotto sequence.

Sum Total

If you take a Lotto sequence and add up all the numbers, then the answer will be the sum value. An example would be if you take the Lotto sequence 03-12-21-29-38-48, then the sum will be 151. Basically the sum value is useful as you can look at past Lotto sequences and get and idea as to the minimum and maximum sum limits you Lotto numbers should add up to.

Using number limits

If you look at previous winning Lotto sequences and focus your attention on the first number in the sequence. Now you will see that the "Highest value" will probably be around the number 30 or so. This numbers tells you that with past winning sequences, the highest value for the first number was the number 30 or so.

This basically means that with all your selected sequences, the first number should not be higher than the "Highest value" for "Ball 1". Doing this cuts down on a couple of sequences that will probable never come up in the future.

You can look at the other Lotto balls as well to find its minimum and maximum limits. This will give you an indication as to the limits your selected numbers should fall into. A basic limit table is as follow:

Number Minimum Maximum
1 1 30
2 2 40
3 3 43
4 5 47
5 11 48
6 14 49

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Monday, June 25, 2012

What Kind of Business Should I Start?

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

It's not uncommon to reach your 30s, 40s or even 50s and still wonder, "What do I want to be when I grow up?" Few people are fortunate enough to be certain of their destinies early on and the rest of us are forced to do some soul searching.

The desire to own a business is becoming more common as workers grow more frustrated with the economy and working in corporate America. If you're thinking about a business of your own but you're not sure what to start, here are several exercise to spark some ideas.

Start by Making Lists of Your Interests, Talents, and Skills

Write down what you like and don't like about your current job and jobs you've had in the past. Do you love writing business documents? Do you hate calculating numbers? By listing your likes and dislikes, you can see with more clarity where some of your interests lie and which tasks you want to avoid.

The trick is to brainstorm business ideas and find one that you will be passionate about, one that will meet your desired standard of living and your lifestyle criteria. Someone who doesn't like being chained to a desk should not choose a business that requires her to be stuck in an office all day.

The good news is that as an entrepreneur, you get to make these decisions for yourself. Perhaps you are good with numbers and you're thinking about becoming a mortgage broker, but you don't want to be stuck in an office all day. If you are serving clients in your area, won't you also be required to meet with them? Could you find a way to meet with them at their place of business or over lunch?

This list should also help you identify your weaknesses. If you hate to write, then you probably shouldn't start a local newspaper (although if you have the right budget, you can hire writers and focus on other aspects of the business). If crunching numbers makes your brain hurt, then you won't find joy in running a bookkeeping business. For that matter, you will probably dread keeping your own books and should build a bookkeeping service into your business budget.

Spend some time with this exercise and look for a theme in your lists. If you identify a business that interests you, but it doesn't meet your lifestyle requirements, then expand on the idea and see if there is a different type of business in that field that would suit you better.

Imagine You Have Just Won the Lottery

So you've just won a lottery for 0,000. It's not enough to retire on, but it's enough to make some decisions about your future. Consider what you would do if you won a large chunk of money. Of course it's fun to imagine paying off your debts and sharing your good fortune with the people you love, but what do you do with the rest of the money? What does your ideal work life look like? What kind of business would you start if you had endless resources?

Could Your Talent or Hobby Net You Some Profits?

Whether you are a musician, an artist, a writer, a crafter, an athlete, an entertainer or a chef, you may be able to find a business that takes advantage of these talents. Think outside the box. Use the internet to search for ideas. For example, if you are a sports fanatic, you could search for "sports business" or "sports industry" and see what kinds of topics are returned. Perhaps you could become a sports writer, sporting goods store owner, coach, trainer, statistician, or memorabilia sales.

Ask Your Family and Friends

By asking the people closest to you for input, you may gain some surprising insight. Perhaps your best friend will remind you of your culinary talents or your grandmother will admire your decorating skills. Maybe your brother will tell you that he always thought you would end up working with animals because you rescued all the neighborhood strays. If for nothing else, asking those closest to you will breed discussion about your future and may lead to the spark of inspiration you are seeking.

Start Looking at the Business World Through a New Set of Eyes

Every business you see started somewhere by someone. The dry cleaner you visit weekly, the grocery store where you shop, the quaint coffee shop on the corner and your favorite take-out restaurant all were born from somebody's dream. Pay attention to every business you encounter. Is the owner present? If so, does he or she look happy? Tired? Frantic? What are the pros and cons of running each kind of business? A retail business is typically a 6 or 7 day per week effort. Restaurants require long hours, food spoilage management, health department inspections and a lot of staff. Service businesses are often started by an owner providing the service.

Talk to business owners that you encounter. Ask them about the pros and cons of what they do. Who better to advise you on your future than those who are actually living some version of it?

Go to the Bookstore or Library

I personally believe that books give you the best opportunity to self-educate. You can learn about virtually any topic under the sun just by reading a book. Spend some time in the business section and read some of the books suggested in the appendix of this book. You never know where you will find inspiration. Many business books list examples from real entrepreneurs. Perhaps one of these examples will spark your interest or cause you to think about something you hadn't considered before.

You've Done Everything Else and Still Don't Know What to Do

Don't give up! Keep at it. Carve some time out every day to focus on your life plan. Get up an hour early in the morning, take time out of your lunch hour or stay up an hour late, but whatever you do, devote some time to mapping out your future. If you are serious about moving forward, you will have to make the time.

Keep doing the exercises listed here. Spend time reading business message boards, websites and magazines. Jot down topics that interest you and learn more about them. The process may take some time, but the end result should be well worth it.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Win More Than Three Times on the Famous Cash 3 Promotions!

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

The most exciting lottery game is already in town. Cash 3 has successfully caught the attention of many Georgia residents and are now finding them very much addicted with this fun and exciting lottery game. They have already said goodbye to the traditional lottery as only a few people can win leaving more people very much frustrated. With the different cash 3 promotions, there are possibly more winners as compared with the conventional lottery game.

How do you win on this game? There are different ways to earn cash on this game.

You can play it straight. The first type of game you can earn from this lottery is to play it as is. Since the game involves only three digits that can be repeating, you can choose to play the lottery by betting on the exact combinations on the draw. 412 should be appearing as 412 on your game card, too. If you get the numbers and the combinations right, you'll get either a 0 or 0 prize. The amount of prize that you get will depend on the bet that you have spent to join the game.

One of the most addictive cash 3 promotions is the box option. In this option, you will be allowed to win by only guessing the possible numbers that can show up during the draw. For example, if the draw produces a 624 combination and you placed a 622 bet, you still win on the box 3-way option! If you got a 642, you still win! The gist is if your number appears on the combo, you still get the prize. It's so easy. It's so addictive. It's fun!

Another great game you can play on this lottery is the pair combo. All you need to be is to get the pairs right either appearing at the beginning (front pair) or at the end (back pair) of the draw result. An example can be taken from a draw that results to a 315 result. If your bet is 316, then you win since you got the "front pair" option right. If you had 715, you win since you got the "back pair" right. The game has made all sorts of possibilities enabling you to get cash in return!

It is not the usual lottery you are very much familiar with. The prizes at stake may not wow you at the onset but are guarantees that more people can actually earn from it. Also, it does not require skyrocketing bets. Only small amounts are needed to join the game. You spend less but earn more, isn't this more profitable for you? There are more promotions that were not mentioned on this article like the combo and the straight-box payout promos. The different schemes laid out by the game to make sure more people earn as compared with the usual lotteries have convinced more people to join this game and has in fact made hundreds to thousands of people earn day-by-day.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

So You Want To Make Big Money In Casinos

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

So you want to make big money in casinos ?

Various blogs allegedly teach you how to make big bucks at gambling. I will teach you how not to lose any.

While expatiating upon winning strategies, many self-proclaimed pro-gamblers may give you the illusion that there are easy and mathematical ways to beat casinos at their own games. Some of them even try to sell you such methods ! However, you often hear of a desperate soul throwing himself out of a window because of heavy losses, but you rarely meet people who do make money out of the system. The fact is, most players claiming they have a winning method do sincerely believe so, but their logic is flawed. In order to stimulate your critical mind, I submit to you the following (essentially) erroneous method. You can give it a try with your own money if you wish, although I strongly warn you against this idea !

The pseudo-method has to do with the game of roulette. In this game, essentially, you have to choose between two colors: black or red. Your odds to get either color are 18 out of 37, for there is a green slot in the game. Put in a nutshell, you have roughly a little less than 50% of chances to guess right (which guarantees that, on the long run, the casino will invariably make money; mathematically speaking, the casino has a positive winning expectation). Every time you guess right, you win the same amount as you bet.
Otherwise, you lose your bet.

Now imagine you've got a decent amount of money to gamble with. You may want to bet 0 on the red color. If you win, you quit and you come back home with an extra 0. If you lose, you bet again, but this time you double your bets: 0. This guarantees you, if you win, a total profit of 0 (because you get 0, but you have just bet 0 and lost 0 the previous time). If you lose again, you bet once again, this time with 0. Repeating this process indefinitely will ensure you, at the moment you win, to get a 0 profit.

Reasonably, you know that it shouldn't take you too many attempts to get the red color. Therefore, we've just established that it is not to hard to enter a casino and get out with an extra 0 in your pockets (*). Additionally, you can improve this method by waiting for long series of black numbers before gambling, which increases your odds of getting a red number during the next turn (**).

The assertions (*) and (**) above are fundamentally flawed, but this is no shame not to realize where lie the mistakes if you don't have a scientific mind. As usual, I will let you ponder over these problems for a while and will give away the explanation in another related thread. The crux of the matter here is to keep in mind that there is no way to fool casinos, bookmakers, lotteries, etc ... Such entities sell the people a share of dream, but very rarely will this dream convert into cash on the client side ...

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy New (Federal Fiscal) Year! Now?

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

The U.S. federal government runs on a different calendar that most businesses. While many businesses targeting consumers or selling to other businesses are pushing hard to "make the numbers" before the calendar year end of December 31, the federal government is ahead of the curve because October 1 starts the federal fiscal new year. While you may not hear Auld Lang Syne being sung or fireworks shooting in the night to signal the government's new year, businesses looking to beef up revenues and open new markets would be well-served to become familiar with the rules of the federal spending game right now.

Not Business as Usual

For those businesses already involved in federal contracting, you know that normally, there is a bit of a pause during October, and maybe even through December as the feds gear up for a new budget and we all wait for Congress and White House to agree on what will be spent in the new year. However, this is not a normal year

The Recovery (or Stimulus) spending now is in the final spending phase and BRAC spending has a "hard stop" coming up very soon. While the regular federal spend will see a stall, the Stimulus and BRAC projects will pick up the slack. Firms that have stepped up with strategic, competitive bids have a real chance of winning more business than imaginable. Would you like proof?

Single Bidder Takes All

A recent report at the federal web site stated that out of the total of 0 billion dollars spent last year with contractors for services and products needed to run the government, over billion dollars went to companies winning bids where everyone could compete, but only one bid or offer was received. There were 277,123 contractors who found no competition, and they submitted 41,093 bids to win a total of ,405,769,371 last year!

This is proof positive that there are many opportunities available where competition is not just reasonable, but non-existent. The lottery's tag line used to be "you have to play to win." With these federal contracting numbers, you can see that "you have to bid to win."

Not a Free For All

However, do not be mislead. This is not a situation where sloppiness, poorly-prepared proposals or high prices win. Much to the contrary, companies who prevail, will instead take the situation very seriously, and invest a great deal of time, energy and money to build relationships with all of the layers of decision-makers, fine-tune their back-office accounting and pricing processes, learn the art of writing a winning proposal and weed through the scads of available lawyers to find the ones who are truly experts in federal contracting law.

Five Special Tactics to Kick Off the New Federal Fiscal Year

Check Your PPIRS Now

Because the federal government is risk-adverse, the stronger your record is regarding past performance, the better your chances are of winning. If your customers say nothing, or, even worse, say bad things about you, you won't win the contract. PPIRS is a shared data warehouse of federal government report cards that detail a vendor's performance on current (or completed) contracts.

Contracting officers go here to see how you are rated. If you have high ratings, your chances are much better of winning the contract. If you have low ratings, you will not win a contract. You can see your record, but you cannot see other vendor's records and nor can they see yours. For more information go to:

Craft a Powerful One Page Capability Statement

This document is the single most effective tool a company can use to open doors to contracting opportunities in the federal government. It is amazing how many business people fail to use this document. It is inexpensive to produce and can be created in Word or Publisher. A smart vendor will create different versions for every targeted agency, military base and prime contractor or teaming partner.

Dump the generic "three-fold brochure" mindset and instead craft a one-page document where you state a "results" focus using the government's statement of work terminology and keywords.

[Note: MEA magazine has made arrangements so that the reader may receive a free federal government-focused Capability Statement Template by emailing the author of this article.]

Does Your Web Site Say Stop or Go?

Contracting officers and program managers, the key decision makers, use the internet to research companies and their abilities. You will shoot yourself in the foot if you have music or "flash" on your home page. Why? These people are pressed for time and many work in an open or cubicle environment. When they click on a home page that has music, they will instantly exit and go no further. Music is not appropriate in this environment (unless you are a DJ, singer or musician).

Many web sites start off with a flash program on their home page. This causes extra steps or clicks to find government-related information. While this may be catchy in the private sector, it is another reason to exit because it wastes time and shows that the company does not understand the government market.

To be more effective, update your web site to include core competencies, past performance, differentiators. Incorporate these specific terms and fill your government-oriented pages with proof. Use the Capability Statement template as a guide. Throw out all the generic marketing speak and write web copy as if you are competing on a contract.

The Little Known Secret to Writing a Winning RFP Response

Entire books have been written about proposals and writing winning responses. However, today, you will increase your chances of winning if you make one powerful paradigm shift: Don't write to win but rather, write the response to be the last man (or woman) standing. The secret is that winners are chosen because they were not eliminated during the proposal grading process, not necessarily because they had the best idea or even best price. Learn this and watch your win ratio skyrocket.

Improve Your Procurement Translation Skills

The federal government spends billions every year with companies who look exactly like yours. If they say they don't have money, what they really are saying is they don't know or trust your firm well enough to give you the business. They may not be able to loosen up millions at a time, but they want to spend every dime through the entire fiscal year and will find all sorts of ways to buy from people they know and trust to do a good job.

It is your responsibility to become the kind of company that decision-makers feel comfortable choosing. You will start winning more contracts when you position your firm as the best choice, the least risky choice, and the most-experienced choice.

Bonus Tip to Win

Remember, as noted earlier, nine percent of federal contracts are going to single bidders. You will improve the chance of your winning when you use the scalpel, mirror and magnifying glass, and be ruthless to hone your proposal skills to win. Use the scalpel to trim the price, the mirror to see how you look to others and the magnifying glass to examine your accounting and pricing procedures, hiring processes and record-keeping. Whether you are competing against someone or just yourself, the higher you score and ultimately mitigate the risk in doing business with your company, the more contacts you will win.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Win Lottery - Easy Tips

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

Anyone can learn on how to win lottery or increase their chances of winning. There are tons of software in the market which promise you to have bigger chances of winning and bring home the jackpot. But with a little homework and the special tool that you use, there will be no sweat in generating your winning combinations which will make you win in the game.

If you want to use this as a way to earn money fast and easy, then you must decide beforehand which lottery game you want to play. There is a variety of lottery games to choose from which gives you good number of choices of games that you are comfortable of playing at. There are certain things to consider when it comes to choosing games. Most people make their choice by looking if there is a probability of winning bigger. You can study the different games in lottery to see where you fit best and where you can play well. One of the most important parts of studying over these games is by checking the trend of the lottery system. This can be done by accumulating all of the winning results from past drawings. This makes tracking down easier and faster.

Then you can pick random numbers. As you can see, the lottery numbers are drawn in random. This takes away your worries of combining all of the numbers for you will only need just a few of them and pick in random. If you have the luxury of time, you can manually do it or if you want a faster and more convenient way, you can let the lottery system work for you.

Another essential tip to learn how to win lottery is by using lotto system software. This software works in providing you with random sets of numbers. The software will be calculating these numbers and it will generate the numbers thereafter. This process can be likened to as how the system does it in the actual lottery game. It is therefore easier to win using the lottery software. Apart from that, you will also be able to learn different strategies in picking the winning numbers in the lottery game as you continue using it.

It does not have to be time-consuming and daunting to find techniques and strategies in order for you to win in the lottery. The given tips above will make it easier for you to generate winning numbers, play with it and win.

Many people are seeking for best possible ways on how to win lottery. But this does not work like magic like many people thought it would. There is no such thing as winning in every game. But if you equip yourself with the necessary tools and techniques around, you are granted with higher chance to win in the lottery game. Winning in the lottery is everybody's dream. The feeling it gives makes you feel satisfied and motivating to aim for bigger prizes in the next lotto draw.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Lucky Pick - How to Choose the Lucky Winning Numbers

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

If you want a lucky pick, then here are some tips on how to pick lucky winning numbers. Most of the lottery players worldwide would pick out their numbers in various ways.

For instance, they consider their lucky pick as their birth dates, horoscope lucky numbers and some other significant numbers that post an event in their lives. But little do they know that hundreds of players also use the same method in choosing their lucky pick.

One of the most common methods on how to pick the lucky winning numbers for your lotto game is by choosing numbers that are way too random, at some extent, odd. For some, they are advised to read their Chinese horoscopes because they believe that the Chinese people possess the power to predict the future with accuracy and preciseness.

Another hit method to choose your lucky pick is by merging all the significant dates in your life and arranging them in an order wherein, the first number that you would right down on the piece of paper is the most important date down to the least important yet memorable date for you. In order for you to have your lucky winning number, you have to involve mathematics in trying to solve the mystery of the dilemma. Usually, the math just involves subtraction of the numbers according to rows and columns and whatever number is the outcome of it all, then that is considered your lucky pick.

Some people, though weird as they sound, find those numbers that they last saw before they met an accident is considered lucky to them. Most people that are involved in vehicular accidents find the plate number of the vehicles that may have hit them or they have made contact with are also lucky and thus, they play with those numbers.

In the latter part, its not about what numbers are important to you or the numbers that have made a few impacts and setbacks in your is important. What is important is that you are able to choose the perfect winning numbers wisely and that your mind is made up once you have chosen it. Though its never an easy task, and it may never guarantee you of a 100% sure win, but at least, the important fact is that you tried to think out of the box and chose numbers that are uniquely you in way or another and you have opted to increase your chances of winning in the lottery in that way.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

How to Win the Lottery Every Time

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

The lottery has been called a fool's game because people believe that it is impossible to swing the odds in your favour. This is not entirely the truth, there are some ways to increase you chances of winning . Though it is near impossible to win the lottery every time, it can be won. You only need to win it once to make it worthwhile and to be set up for life.

By purchasing the cheapest ticket available you are going to have anywhere between a one in two hundred thousand chance and a one in 50 million chance of winning the big prize. These are not amazing odds and you need to improve on these odds if you are going to have any chance of winning anything.

Here are some tips on how to win more often:

Choose The Numbers That Come Up More Often

On all major lotto websites they will have a list of the 10 numbers that have come up the most often in the last XX amount of draws. By choosing these numbers you can seriously increase your chances of winning. For example, in the UK the number 38 has been drawn 74 times more than any other ball. Now that sounds like some good odds. Bet on these numbers and you are likely to increase your chances of winning.

Choose The Numbers That Come Up Less Often

The major lotto websites will also show the 10 numbers that have appeared the least. Many people believe that betting on these numbers will increase your chances of winning. Because these numbers have not come up very often in previous draws then, some believe, they are more likely to come up in future draws. Maybe you could bet on both the numbers that come up the most often and the numbers that come up the least often

Keep The Same Numbers Each Week

By keeping the same numbers each week it is likely that you are increasing your chances of winning. If your numbers do not come up one week then it is likely next week you will have more luck. This is because, over time, all the numbers will tend to appear at the same rate. So if they haven't been drawn one week then it is expected that they will be drawn in one of the following weeks

Play The Same Systems Numbers Each Week

Instead of just playing the standard 6 numbers (in most lotteries they have 6 numbers) play a systems. Systems is where you choose multiple numbers, such as 7, 8, 9 or 10 numbers, and then you need to get 6 out of those 7, 8, 9 or 10 numbers to win. By using the same systems numbers each week you are dramatically increasing your chances of winning the lotto. Make sure you keep the same numbers every week though. The more money you are willing to spend the more numbers you can purchase increasing your chances dramatically.

These are just the basic tips on how to win the lottery more often. It can be difficult to win but if you know how to increase your chances then you can win more often and you can come out on top. Good luck

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to Win the Super Cash Lottery

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

Ever wondered how people from Kansas would have their own State lottery? Aside from the nationwide Powerball, Kansas also has their own lottery called Super Cash.

Super Cash began on February 2002 that has a lot of potential even with a minimum cash prize of over a hundred thousand dollars and by far one of the most affordable at a dollar for two plays. Contestants choose five numbers out of thirty-two in hopes on winning the total prize money accumulated.

First rule of thumb when it comes to playing the Kansas lottery is that anything can happen, and the most obvious ones to happen will happen and the least, least. It's no surprise if the number seventeen (17) has appeared in the past fifty games that just about every player will have it in their list.

Winning the Super Cash would require knowing a bit of history on past numbers played, especially since a pattern of sorts has to be plotted to determine the possible numbers that can win. At seven years old, the numbers have accumulated enough to determine the next winning ticket. The odds of getting a winning number are practically at one in 2,517,200.

For the smart players, there are high chances on getting the desired numbers, especially with a hundred thousand dollar minimum prize on the line. Considering this, most players would begin by selecting an odd-even routine to find the high number probability. Having a 3/2 or 2/3 odd even layout would be dependent on the history as well as choosing one number as a repeat of sorts. This way, any random number chosen after a repeat has a 67 percent chance of being chosen.

As for some players, a high-low is another good choice, yet the rarity of getting all highs or low numbers is practically low. A perfect strategy to use along with a high-low combination is to also use the same odd-even tactic, meaning that one has to choose two, one to sixteen (low) and three, seventeen to thirty-two (high) numbers or vice versa.

Following the trend is also helpful when it comes to winning the lottery. Of course, everyone is a rival, yet there has been a history of a grand-prize winning lottery being shared with more than two people. It's not cheating, in a sense, and it would benefit the organizers by increasing the prize money.

One other tactic to consider is to go for the sum of all total numbers in the grid. This balanced tactic allows players to enter the numbers within or equal to the total sum within a specific range. It's nothing like entering the last five numbers, which would be a waste of a dollar, yet if played smartly, then a new millionaire is born.

The Kansas Super Cash is one of the best ways to get rich that is easy on the pocket with a healthy minimum prize. It's no surprise why people have been clamoring that their lottery happens to be the easy one.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tips on Winning Lottery - Improving the Odds on Winning Lottery

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

If you want to use tips on winning lottery, then read this article. It will teach you how to improve the odds on winning lottery.

Winning big jackpots in lottery can be life changing, especially when you play in Mega Millions or Powerball. These are just two lottery games which offer big amounts of jackpot prizes. No one can really foresee what winning number combinations will come out during the draw. If you have tried betting in lottery games, then you can attest that chances of winning here is very slim. Some would even say that it is almost impossible to win in lottery games.

There is no way to determine how to win in lotto games. You can only improve the odds on winning lottery by selecting what numbers are lucky for you. Take note that games in lottery are still considered gambling and luck is your main key in winning. So you have to choose the number combinations are you feel that are significant and lucky. There are many ways on how you can choose numbers to bet on a lotto game. Here are some tips on winning lottery and in picking the right numbers that will increase you chances of winning.

You can utilize the number generator software that is available in various lottery sites. Lottery sites have this software to give people the chance to have better opportunities for winning a big jackpot prize not to ensure their victories. What these software are able to do is to generate the winning numbers from previous draws and analyze which are hot numbers (frequently coming out) and which are cold ones (seldom coming out). Upon analyzing the numbers, the software will be able to give its suggested new number combinations for you to bet on.

It is also a good option to formulate a new number combination based on birthdays and anniversary dates. Who knows these can really be lucky for you. This method of gathering new numbers works for some people. You can also choose pick new number combinations for lottery by gathering all the so-called lucky numbers in horoscopes. You can get these over the Internet. Many individuals believe that horoscopes are good sources for lottery numbers. So, when you think that numbers from horoscopes are lucky for you, then use them by all means.

What ever method you use in getting new number combinations, you have to always feel lucky all the time. Remember that these methods will not ensure you winning. These will only make the odds better. These are just some of tips on winning lottery.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Making a Profit Through Sports Betting Systems and Tipsters

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In the world of online sports betting it is an undoubted truth that most people will lose most of the time. Just as it would be when purchasing a lottery ticket, there is an element of luck involved with the outcome. Just as somebody somewhere will choose the same set of lottery numbers that emerge from the machine, so someone will correctly deduce that the man with the blue stars on his pretty yellow racing cap is destined to triumph in the Grand National because his horse has a name that vaguely resembles that of a passed relative or of a dearly loved pet.

But in order for most to lose, someone out there has to win. No matter how many horses are participating in a race, no matter how high are the jumps, what is always certain is that one horse will cross the line before the others and that there will be someone who will have bet on it to do so.

So is sports betting, like the lottery, just a matter of chance?

Well clearly it is not. Whilst some can and sometimes do manage to select the winner of a horse race by pinning the tail on the proverbial donkey, there are many more who enjoy the regular success that comes with applied knowledge. Understanding why a particular horse is more likely to win a race than the odds would appear to suggest is the key to achieving the sustained, long-term success of the professional punter.

It does after all stand to reason that if the bookie wins overall but pays out to some he will pay out more frequently to those who study their subject scientifically than to those whose selections are informed only by guesswork. And from that it then follows that those whose methodology and research is good enough will be successful in the long run.

None of this of course is to say that the professional gambler will win every time. Sports betting is by nature open to chance and even the best and most tactical punter can only make an inspired guess based on experience, knowledge and rational analysis. The success of the expert is ultimately measured by his performance over a period of time.

It follows that when those who are regularly successful pass on their advice to us it is to our benefit to accept it and to act upon it. The horse racing tipster saves us the effort and inconvenience of having to research the information ourselves, and that is assuming that we have the capacity to do so in the first place. A tipster service from a source with a track record of success will enable us to confidently enjoy the fruits of the knowledge.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Making the Improbable a Certainty

How To Choose Lottery Numbers :

Richard Feynman, the great quantum physicist and educator said in one of his lectures that just because something is possible does not mean it is probable. This is the same concept as my earlier article The Judgment Trap.

So often we claim something is true because it is possible, and that something is untrue because improbable. The truth is if something is true it is true no-matter improbable it is. And, in reverse untrue is untrue no-matter how probable it seems. If there is no proof either way it remains a probability.

We spend our lives looking for certainty and yet all we have all we have is varying degrees of probability because virtually nothing can be proved conclusively one way or the other.

But there is another type of probability, the probability of future events.

In Douglas Adams' book, Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Universe, there is a spaceship that has a propulsion unit called the 'improbability drive'. The way it works is that, if the pilot of the spaceship wants to be somewhere, he works out the improbability of being there and feeds this calculation into the improbability drive, and he is there.

Everything in our lives is improbable. Starting from your parents and place of birth, try to use statistical analysis to work out the probability of you being where you are now. The improbability will be infinite, but here you are.

That is why you are where you are, because it is totally improbable. Suppose that you were somewhere else. That would be equally improbable. Every single thing that we are, and where we are, is infinitely improbable. We are where we are now because this is the improbability we have chosen.

Lets a number on this and say that the probability of us being where we are now is a billion to one against. How do we use the improbability of anything to make what we want a certainty?

If you see that the probability of any of the other things that could have happened happening is also one billion to one against, then the probability of any of the billion options is equal. The probability of what you want is the same as the probability of anything else. The probability of what you want is equal to the probability of what you don't want.

Given an equal choice out of all the improbable things that could happen all we have to do is to choose what we do want to make it a certainty. It works every time provided we are not logical about it. But as soon as we are logical about it, and decide that something cannot happen because it is totally improbable, we make it impossible.

It does not matter how improbable something may seem, it has an equal probability with everything else, and all we have to do to make it actual is to choose it. The act of choosing changes the probability of that one possibility into a certainty.

Douglas Adams' improbability drive is the same logic, or lack of it. Where you want to be is highly improbable, but so is being anywhere else. So why not choose where you want to be and be there?

Another way to look at is a lottery with a billion tickets. The odds of any one person winning are one billion to one against, but the odds of someone winning are a certainty. How can we tip the odds? By choosing what we want.

The problem with being on a spiritual path is not lack. We can create anything we want. The problem is learning what we really want and choosing it. It really is that simple, and that hard.

There is a conversation in Alice in Wonderland I like.

'Where am I' said Alice. 'Where do you want to be' said the rabbit

'I don't know' Alice replied. 'Then' said the rabbit, 'What does it matter where you are.'

That is the real problem. We can have everything we want just by choosing it, but what do we want. The purpose of our spiritual path is to find out who we are and what we want. If we can work that one out the rest is easy.

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Selling Structured Settlement - A Brief Review

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Are you in immediate financial need? If you have structured settlements that are offering a good amount to meet your current needs then you have a good option to get a lump sum amount in return for giving up on the future payments. Read on to know the pros and cons of structured settlement and the decision to sell them.

Managing your finances is an art. As the number of options and flexibility increases, so do the chances of the benefits being misused. Yet, that cannot be a good reason to make the system inflexible. The same logic goes behind structured settlements. Say, you have a structured settlement set up as the compensation for your insurance for an accident or against any other incident, or you have a large lottery payment to be received as structured payments. Structured payments have the benefit of being a regular source of income with little risk involved of the money being wasted. At the same time, there is inflexibility as your insurance company is not permitted to give you the entire amount at once. If you have an immediate need for finances in this scenario, what is the best step to take?

Structured payments are set up so that you can have a regular source of income rather than a lump sum amount that carries more risk of being misused. The idea was to provide more financial security to the victim of the accident or preventing misuse of huge sums of lottery money. However, at times when there is an urgent need of finances in the present, it becomes more important to give up on the future income to fulfill the present needs. For example, you have some urgent bills to pay for, an important upcoming project or simply because you have an opportunity where the money can be better utilized in the present, losing which would mean financial loss.

Fortunately, this flexibility in structured payments is provided by third party companies who can buy your structured payments. That means you give them the right to receive the amount on your behalf after every defined period, while they give you a lump sum amount for the structured payments. The amount you receive depends on the best quote the company can offer you for your structured payments and hence varies from company to company. They can also give you many other alternatives rather than purchasing all the structured payments and providing the entire amount at once. Again, how much flexibility the company can offer depends on their policies and vary from company to company.

However, do not be in a hurry to get your structured settlements sold for getting your money quickly. Be cautious of companies offering you a very attractive deal or promising payment within a day or two. Since the process involves legal obligations, it does take some time. Be careful while choosing your buyer of structured settlement payment. While you are looking for the highest quote, a good look at the company, the number of years it has been in business and the span of the business would guide you to a reliable company. Though there are legal processes to protect you from any fraudulent transactions, yet to be careful at your end makes sense when you have a large amount which is rightfully yours at stake. With a little awareness and careful planning you cannot go wrong in making your decision.

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